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Creative Economy

News: Diversity Charter Update report

February 22, 2021
Published on:
August 6, 2020
January 5, 2021

UK Creative Industries Continue to Make Progress on Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity report header
(Above: Report outlines progress on diversity and inclusion in creative organisations. Image: CIC)

The Creative Industries Council (CIC) has published its Diversity & Inclusion Report 2019/20. The main aim of the report is to document the progress a number of CIC members have made towards driving a step-change in diversity and inclusion across the creative industries in line with the CIC Diversity Charter*.

The report by Diversity and Inclusion consultancy, EA Inclusion, provides a bird's eye view of the landscape across a number of CIC member bodies to find out what initiatives are in place, which issues are being addressed, what is working, and where there are gaps in knowledge.

The report identifies positive examples of best practice within the creative industries and recommends action that organisations could take to further improve their diversity and inclusion initiatives.

In general, the report found that all organisations and sectors involved in the report are actively engaged in making change and progress in diversity and inclusion, although some are further along in their journeys than others.

It notes that although there is huge uncertainty in the wider creative industries due to the global pandemic, creating and reinforcing the commitments that CIC members have made on diversity and inclusion is now more important than ever.

The report recommends that CIC members should endeavor to maintain the progress they have achieved to date and ensure that “the new normal” does not inadvertently exclude under-represented groups. The business arguments for widening talent pipelines remain unchanged. By increasing diversity, the UK’s creative industries will be better placed to survive and thrive in competitive global markets.


CIC members should

  • Ensure the impact and success of Diversity and Inclusion Programmes are measured;
  • Take Ownership for Reporting – the report recommends that organisations produce regular diversity and inclusion progress reports to monitor their commitment and progress against the CIC Diversity Charter framework;
  • Embed a Culture of Continuous Improvement – organisations should look to embed a culture of continuous improvement around their diversity and inclusion initiatives in order to achieve real change. They should continually review their own progress and challenge themselves to keep improving.

The report highlighted many examples of best practice measured against the CIC Charter.

Diversity Monitoring: examples include Ukie’s UK Games Industry Census; UK Music’s Diversity Report; The Publishers Association's Annual Diversity and Inclusion Survey and Pact’s involvement in industry-wide diversity monitoring system, Diamond.

Strategies to Widen the Talent Pipelines: examples include UK Music’s Securing Our Talent Pipeline report; BFI’s Future Film Skills Programme; the Craft Council’s improvements to its Hothouse programme; the IPA’s Advertising Unlocked Careers Open Day; the Advertising Association’s Inclusion Hub, and UKIE’s Digital Schoolhouse Programme.

Leadership Engagement: examples include the Publishers' Association's Inclusivity Action Plan; Ukie’s Raise the Game pledge; UK Music’s Diversity Taskforce; IPA’s Talent Leadership Group; Pact’s Diversity Working Group and The Arts Council’s ‘The Art of Leadership’ conference.

John McVay, Chair of the CIC Diversity Working Group and CEO of Pact, said:

"In late 2019, when we first started compiling this report, we had no way of foreseeing the challenges that lay ahead – for the global economy, for the UK, or for our sector. We are still managing the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic as we prepare for the ‘new normal’ when major restrictions on movement and social distancing are relaxed.
"In more recent weeks, people from across the globe have come together to call for long-overdue social change. As a sector, we acknowledge we have a crucial role to play in tackling structural inequalities across our industry and within our companies and workplaces.  
"The recommendations in this report are a stepping stone to building truly inclusive workplaces and working practices, for creators and producers, support staff and consumers.”

Notes to Editors

*The CIC Charter sets out the ambition of its members across the creative industries to better reflect the diversity of the population of the UK as a whole. The goal for the creative industries – and for CIC members in particular – is to build a fully inclusive, holistic and intersectional inclusion strategy, to ensure lasting progress in widening access to careers, and support equality for all.

Further information regarding EA Inclusion who produced the report can be found at www.eainclusion.com or by contacting ben.runcorn@eainclusion.com or Anjani@pact.co.uk

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